First prize for publication at the International Conference EFRC 2016

First prize for publication at the International Conference EFRC 2016

First prize for publication at the International Conference EFRC 2016 The publication “How to evaluate dynamic behavior of gas system without all technical documentation of compressor?” was awarded by an international group of specialists and received the first prize in the category of the best scientific article at the 10th European Forum for Reciprocating Compressors…

We are in the finals of the DGP “Eureka!” competition

We are in the finals of the DGP “Eureka!” competition

Our patented “Hydraulic cylinder with a system blocking the free movement of the working element of the cylinder” was qualified to the final 20 participants of the Eureka! Competition of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. Link:,praca-ciezki-sprzet-wypadek-wynalezek-bezpieczenstwo-lycha-przygniecenie.html